Design Students Want Your Vote


As you walk through the main hall of Wakeland High School, don’t pass up the interior and fashion design display cases that are changed each month.

Mrs. Kohlschmidt’s interior design classes worked hard to get Wakeland in the Halloween spirit by creating haunted houses for the display case. 

“It took four periods to make the houses,” sophomore Nikki Hofmann said. 

However, the cases serve as more than just a display of hard work. 

”No one is aware that you are supposed to vote for the best one,” sophomore Maddie Myers said.

On the side of the case there is a Q-R code with a link to a google form that allows you to vote for your favorite one.

Last month, fall fashion was on display with fall-themed dresses created by fashion design students.

During power lunch or passing periods, stop by the cases and vote for your favorite Haunted House! And, keep a lookout for the new art on display each month.