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Plan now to be successful later

Students give their advice on the transition from high school to college

As high school graduation approaches, many students find themselves eagerly anticipating the next chapter of college. 

Transitioning from high school to college can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, but with the right preparation, students can set themselves up for success. We spoke with several students from Wakeland High School to gather their advice on how to get ready for college. 

“The key is to start early and stay organized,” junior Mason Chadwell said. “Make a checklist of everything you need to do, from applying to colleges to submitting financial aid forms. It can be overwhelming, but taking it one step at a time makes it more manageable.”

Exploring your options is very important.  

Don’t just apply to the schools your friends are applying to or the ones your parents want you to go to. Take the time to research different colleges and find the ones that are the best fit for you academically, socially, and financially.  Another important step is focusing on your academics 

“Teachers and counselors say your grades and test scores matter no matter what class you are in,” freshman Ella Chadwell said. Colleges want to see that you’re capable of handling college-level coursework, so make sure you’re putting in the effort in your classes and studying for standardized tests like the SAT or ACT. 

“Extracurricular activities are just as important as academics,” sophomore Addison Turbidy said. Colleges want to see that you’re a well-rounded individual who’s involved in their community and passionate about something outside of the classroom.” 

 Taking advantage of your resources is a cheat code for college. “Whether it’s your school counselor, teachers, or older students who have already gone through the college application process, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and guidance along the way,” senior Blakleigh Bitsche said.

Remember to stay true to yourself throughout the college application process. It can be easy to get caught up in trying to impress colleges or meet other people’s expectations, but ultimately, you need to choose the path that’s right for you.

“Don’t stress too much,” concluded senior Anna Vaillancourt. “Yes, applying to college can be stressful, but remember that everything will work out in the end. Trust yourself and your abilities, and know that you’re capable of achieving great things.”

Getting ready for college is all about starting early, staying organized, exploring your options, focusing on academics, getting involved, seeking guidance, staying true to yourself, and not stressing too much. By following their advice and taking proactive steps towards the future, students can confidently embark on the exciting journey that lies ahead.