Frisco volunteers come together for those in need. The Frisco community brings food to every table this Thanksgiving. The head director of this Frisco Family Service event said:
“Frisco Family Services will provide, to the community, people in need who are struggling. It could be rental assistance, help with utilities, our food market, pantry, and in some cases, we can provide with clothing vouchers, furniture vouchers to our retail retail store. Then we also provide adult education. I’ll teach you how to budget things like that. Today is it’s a lot of your standards for Thanksgiving dinner. You’re stuffing your gravy, things like that. But it’s also the extras, like I said, because it’s going, the idea is that it serves beyond just Thanksgiving Day. We’ll be giving out turkeys and, I think to, the rest of the meal. It’s, it’s very heartwarming. And again, it enables families to come together.”
“What we do here isn’t just one simple meal, but we are also providing the extras. The games, more than just the turkey dinner, but it’s something that family could be together for beyond just Thursday. On Thanksgiving. It can be a whole weekend event.”
“I would recommend this volunteering event because I felt like it was very beneficial because it leaves you with a good feeling because you get a lot done in this specific volunteering event I thought was really cool,” said Wakeland student Mia Skirha. “It gathered a lot of people from like the church and the community around me, all like when done assembly line and helped each other out.”
“People were really nice and friendly, and I just thought it was very beneficial and a really good process,” Mia said.
The Frisco community reminds people they are not alone by sharing meals with those in need.