Showcase of the Year

FISD offers many different classes to help prepare students for their future. But this class is sure to help students like no other before. 

Independent Study and Mentorship, more commonly known as ISM, is a research-based class specifically designed to encourage students to find potential careers for themselves. Juniors or seniors spend the majority of the year researching a career topic of their choice and finding a mentor for themselves in that chosen career. 

“The goal is for students to discover if they want to pursue their chosen topic as a future professional career,” ISM teacher, Mr. Ratliff said. 

On March 23, Wakeland students as well as the top students in the 12 FISD schools presented their chosen topics at a showcase. The showcase allows students to formally present their research and findings about their career topic and practice their public speaking. The students have their own tables dedicated to presenting their research, usually with display boards. 

Getting to see the ISM students pursue their topics of interest and grow through their research is really cool. Also, many of the students will pursue these careers after high school so, I get to see their beginning steps in their future careers,” Mr. Ratliff said. 

ISM students leave the class feeling satisfied with their research and even more passionate about their chosen study. 

This class is clearly the one to pick to develop and learn more about your passion. While ISM applications close in early March, freshmen and sophomores have the opportunity next year to join this fantastic class.