Will the Sun Come Out Tomorrow?
Texas is notorious for its unpredictable weather, and it can often feel like Texas is cycling through every season in one day.
Lately the weather has been uncertain. FISD schools recently shut down for several days because of an ice storm, and students are forced to play catch-up after falling behind on their schoolwork.
“My school work has been affected, mostly in my AP Class, since we have had to cram all of our classwork, which has affected my understanding of the topic,” said sophomore Kara Lee.
The unexpected freeze has certainly impaired students’ learning ability.
“All of my college classes got canceled, so we had to do a bunch of stuff at home. It was hard because I didn’t feel like I learned as much as I would have if I was in school,” junior Julia Autry said.
Warm and sunny weather seems to show up on random days, but the majority of weather is cold and windy, with temperatures occasionally dipping below freezing. Bad weather not only affects school work, it can also negatively impact people’s mood.
“I don’t like the cold weather. I don’t like having to wear a bunch of coats and stuff every time I go outside. I also don’t like the cold because I feel like everyone is getting sick. Also, sporting events can get canceled, and it’s annoying when the roads are covered in ice,” junior Callie Drew said.
Warm days are a ray of sunshine, and they act as a hopeful glimpse to those who are optimistically awaiting the arrival of summer.
“Summer is my favorite season, so I’m definitely looking forward to it. I don’t like the cold at all. I love seeing friends, swimming, spending more time with family, and being able to relax,” sophomore Margo Makarski said.
Many things can remind people of the warm summer days ahead.
“There’s a new season of my favorite show, Outer Banks, and it’s all about summer. So it makes me want summer to come because it feels like summer when I’m watching the show” Autry said.
For everyone anxiously awaiting warmer weather, just remember that there are only three more months of school until summer break!

Hi, I'm Sayde Blanchette! I'm a senior, and this is my fourth year in journalism. I like writing about all things, but my favorite topics are sports and...