Frisco ISD Makes Plans to Alter School Zones for the 2022-2023 School Year
With the opening of Panther Creek High School and Minett Elementary School next fall, the District makes plans to rezone schools in Frisco ISD.
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FISD proposes new potential school zones. With the upcoming 2022-2023 school year, FISD will be making changes to school zones to prevent overcrowding in schools, as well as add students to the new schools that will open next fall.
Within Frisco ISD, there are 11 high schools, 17 middle schools, 42 elementary schools, as well as 3 special programs schools. Minett Elementary School and Panther Creek High School will be added to that list in the fall of 2022.
“Building for FISD’s growth requires both long and short-term planning and balanced responsible management of time, money, and resources. FISD has developed a number of decision-making processes to deal with zoning issues,” FISD Internal Demographer Lori Wassam said.
When creating new zone plans, FISD hires in-house demographers and an experienced consulting group to help the District monitor growth in neighborhoods, new construction, and population trends.
“The Frisco ISD has repeatedly reaffirmed its desire for smaller high schools that provide a wealth of opportunities and experiences for students, academically, artistically, and athletically,” Wassam said.
FISD’s goal is to provide schools with well-rounded programs, as well as leaving room for growth and preventing overcrowding in schools.
On Oct. 12, the District proposed new zones for all the schools.
The District proposed that students would be moved from Memorial High School and Lone Star High School to attend Panther Creek when it opens next fall. Students from Memorial High School would also be moving to Panther Creek.
Some students from Reedy were also proposed to be moved to Lone Star and Frisco High School.
The District also proposed to move some students from Frisco to Wakeland.
“The District reviewed countless versions before the proposal that was presented at the Board meeting on Oct. 12,” Wassam said.
According to, the District will be trying to make sure “all FISD high school campuses remain under the University Interscholastic League (UIL) cutoff for 5A schools”.
“Decisions regarding rezoning are based on what is best for students, campuses, and the District as a whole,” Wassam said.
When making zone changes, the District considers how to impact as few students as possible within attendance boundaries, how to effectively utilize classroom space, balance enrollment, provide stability to growing attendance, and promote student opportunities.
“The District has received hundreds of communications from the community via email and phone. Every single email that has been sent has been read. We received emails from parents who were happy with the proposed boundaries, while others expressed concerns about their communities, families, or the unique situations of their child,” Wassam said.
On Oct. 25, School Board members were proposed a slight change different from the elementary version of the original proposals. Originally, Corbell Elementary School students were proposed to move to Purefoy Elementary School. A new proposal has stated that Corbell students would be moved to Fisher Elementary School.
On Nov. 8, the District will be reviewing suggestions from the community and Board members, who will be presented a version of zones they will vote on.