Standards-based grading moving into district


In the forthcoming years, Frisco ISD plans on implementing Standards-Based grading in all middle schools and high schools in the district.  

Standards-based grading is a system that focuses on mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, commonly known as TEKs, which are the skills that students are required to know and be taught for a course.  This system eliminates graded assignments being weighted differently from each other, leaving just one grading category to promote understanding of the essential skills.

While some schools in Frisco ISD have already begun using the new grading system, Wakeland has just recently started having discussions to introduce the grading system in the fall of 2022.

“We’re talking with the teachers right now about it.  We’re really trying to focus on a grade representing what a student has learned,” Wakeland Principal Dr. Edge said.  “The biggest part of the new grading system is really trying to help students understand and get more feedback on their own learning.”

With the possibility of only one grade category, it will be even more important that students are well prepared for assessments.

“I think it’s going to benefit students by having more time to practice and get feedback before taking a graded assignment,” Dr. Edge said.

As Wakeland works to devise a plan for a new grading system, potential adjustments to the preparation and grading of retests have been discussed among the faculty.

“We’re looking at putting together an academic contract. Before a student retakes an assessment, they should have their work completed to show they tried. If they need help grasping the concept, then this will show the student and their teacher where to focus prior to retaking the assessment,” Dr. Edge said.

Despite ongoing discussions about the new grading system, none of the details are firm.  When all the details are decided on and confirmed, the new grading system will be implemented with the students’ best interest in mind.

“We [want to] make grades really reflect what students have learned and make them fair,” Dr. Edge said.